The Sage Page / Vol. 6 Episodes 508 - 512

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 / Chapter 19, 20, 21, texts 4 /August 9 - 15, 2021

The Problem with Counteracting Bad Karma is that You Don’t Get to the Root of the Problem

The vast Vedic literature is like a supermarket that one can get lost in, providing information on so many subjects including prayaschitta (prescriptions for how to become free from the consequences of improper behavior). But such reformative measures, can't free us from the mentality that produced the misbehavior in the first place. It's like pulling out only the top of a weed, which is sure to grow right back. The practice of Bhakti is special, in that it not only counters the negative reaction we are due, but more importantly it purifies us of the desire to act that way again - like pulling out the weed at the root. (Ep. 509)

The Value of Memorizing Shlokas

Memorizing shlokas (Sanskrit Verses of sacred texts) is great for...

• Equipping us to speak on spirituality backed with authority
• Purifying the mind of so much mental chatter by placing it with nourishing spiritual content
• Relishing the verses themselves
(Ep. 5.10)

Q & A

-How can material things mean nothing when Krishna's energy is in all material things down to the atom?

- If the material world means nothing and is an illusion, why wouldn't we just stay in the spiritual realm from the beginning?

- Why is chanting talked about as 'the only way' in this age?

- Am I worthy of owning the Bhagavatam without being a full time Bhakti-yogi?

- Karmically, how responsible am I for these people who are under my care as a business owner?

- How to respond to someone who tells you that you aren’t putting into practice ‘everything you read in your books’ during a disagreement/argument?

- Why do we invest resources in temple worship?
(Ep. 511)

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The Sage Page / Vol. 5 Episodes 503 - 507