What is the Shloka Memorization Group?

In our shloka memorization group we work on getting chapters and sections of the Bhagavad Gita and other important yogic wisdom literature memorized in Sanskrit along with their meanings in English. 

What does the SMG offer? 

Through a variety of techniques, such as acting out the words, mining ancient commentaries, and testing each other we have developed a program that makes it possible for a beginner to memorize entire chapters. It is fun, challenging, deep, interactive, and life changing.


We meet twice a week and for each course we poll our students to find times that work the best for the group. Sign up is now available for students that would like to join our course's next chapter which is starting in September.

Contact: NityanandaChandra@gmail.com

Nityananda Chandra started memorizing verses in 99' but it wasn't until later that he made good strides is his practice. In downtown Portland he saw elementary students reciting the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 15, from memory. At the time he was living as a monk and he thought to himself, "Why just these small kids, living as a monk I should be able to do that as well." Some time after he discovered that it was a lot easier to retain long strings of verses that naturally go together rather then separate important ones. In this class, many of the previous students, such as Capu, Chance, Bailey, and others also assist in teaching verses and often offer to individually tutor outside of our regular class times.


Nityananda Chandra Granger grew up in Honolulu and through a local friend, at the age of 14, found himself diving into the world of Bhakti. Committing himself to a vegetarian life completely free from drugs. He felt a natural attraction to bands that presented positive alternatives to the world, such as Youth of Today. At the age of 17 he started a straight-edge hardcore/punk band in Portland Oregon called the Skeksis with songs by the name of Brahma-Jijnasa and other bhakti related topics. The age of 20 in 1999 was a real turn for him. The next move in the game of life was a life of monasticism that brought him all over the country and overseas. Eventually later settling with a wonderful wife and 3 kids in Dallas Texas he started The Darshan Room. The Darshan Room is a weekly bhakti event that attracts the local youth and artists of Dallas. He also worked for the Dallas Krishna temple for 15 years as their community director wherein he has served a teacher and guide.